Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One Quarter

Today, the bean is 10 weeks along. And that mean's we're one quarter of the way there! Also, one week from today, I get to stop my meds, yay! I'm feeling good about the pregnancy so far, but I'll feel better once we reach 12 weeks. I'm still a little nervous because of the bleeding I had, but as each day passes without anymore, I breathe just a little bit easier. Really, when we have the ultrasound on the 27th, I'll breathe a lot easier. I can't wait to see the bean kicking away in there!

I've finally gotten my appetite back, but my morning (all day) sickness has kicked into high gear. My OB gave me a prescription for Reglan, but it does absolutely nothing for it, ugh. However, Chris has had some sympathetic morning (all day) sickness, and the Reglan is working great for him. I'll ask my OB on the 27th for some Zofran. I know that works for me! I'm glad my appetite is back though. I'm going on vacation over Memorial Day weekend to the beach, and I would be crushed if I couldn't eat fresh calamari!

I'm getting so excited for this weekend. We're going to spend the weekend with K&J, and go to Little K's birthday party. I had a tutu made just for her, in her favorite colors, and I really hope she likes it. I think she will :)

1 comment:

  1. glad things are going well! I think it's funny, I'm usually more freaked about the first 16 weeks with surro babies than my own!

    Hope thing continue to go well for you! Congrats on the no more meds- that's my favorite milestone! :)
