Well, Little Miss T has a birth date planned- December 7th, 2010! Unless of course she decides to come out on her own free will before then, that is.
The plan is to go in on Monday for one last OB appointment & make sure everything is still looking good, then report to labor & delivery at 5 a.m. (yikes!) to start the induction. I figure we'll have a baby somewhere around noon. Then I get to roll on over to the operating room & get my tubes tied, cut, burnt & sealed off! Yay!
At my appointment today my cervix was dilated a little bit more, and the baby is lower in my pelvis. My OB said she thinks I am very favorable for an induction & that it should go smoothly. *fingers crossed* I am just a tad bit nervous about being induced, but after weighing all the options & analyzing it to death, I think it really is the best option for everyone.
It's so weird to know that one week from now, this whole thing will be over & Baby T will here. It's been a fun ride, but I am more than ready to hand this little girl over to her parents.